Well, I just found out GalCiv2 has a massive error!

Apparently, green stars do not exist;


So, maybe not include them in GalCiv3?

Also, will we be seeing binary/trinary etc star systems?

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on Nov 06, 2013

But I like green!

on Nov 06, 2013

I like green too!  

on Nov 06, 2013

Everyone knows that in real life the Drengin Empire destroyed all green stars because green is the color of weakness.  

How could Stardock possibly make the mistake of including green stars?

on Nov 06, 2013

yeah my stars gonna be green i saw that right after posting my stars info and was sad

on Nov 06, 2013

it is not easy being green let the stars be

on Nov 06, 2013

Well, I just found out GalCiv2 has a massive error!

Apparently, green stars do not exist;


So, maybe not include them in GalCiv3?

Well, that's just one scientist's view.  Here's another...

The answer is that there are stars that are green, that is, they emit their peak radiation at a wavelength that we define as green. In fact, the sun is a yellow-green star so is close to that temperature.

So there are green stars, including our own.  Our eyes just deceive us is all.



on Nov 06, 2013


The answer is that there are stars that are green, that is, they emit their peak radiation at a wavelength that we define as green. In fact, the sun is a yellow-green star so is close to that temperature.

So there are green stars, including our own.  Our eyes just deceive us is all.


According to that post there is no purple stars either, Although no one has claimed that Galactic Civilizations is Non-Fiction and based on scientific facts so with that being said, the more color variation the better

Who cares if they don't really exist, after all, at one time we thought the planet was flat, that everything orbited around us and we were the center of the universe.  How very little we actually know about the universe, let the game be what it is

on Nov 06, 2013

According to that post there is no purple stars either,

Actually, the article says that there are purple as well as green stars.  Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist.  


at one time we thought the planet was flat, that everything orbited around us and we were the center of the universe.

Hahaha!  Yeah, that was pretty silly of us.  We all know that the center of the universe is Omicron-Persei-8.  


on Nov 06, 2013

I did not like green stars. For starters, unrealistic. Secondly, usually they had a bunch of dud planets that left me feeling icky!!!

on Nov 06, 2013

Weren't green and purple stars introduced into GalCiv for the purpose of indicating that there was something special about.. or within, the solar system, perhaps that they had an extra high quality planet, or that there was something special about one of the planets orbiting the star? With my fabulous memory (I can even remember things that never happened ), I do remember them being added during the test cycle of either GC1 or GC2.

on Nov 06, 2013

Ugh...here we go again....

So there are green stars, including our own. Our eyes just deceive us is all.

Actually, the article says that there are purple as well as green stars. Just because we can't see them doesn't mean they don't exist.

First, let me pose a philosophical question: what is green?  I mean, it is a color, but how would we define green?  One could argue that green is simply a range of certain wavelengths for electro-magnetic radiation, but then that begs the question: how was that range of wavelengths determined?

Ultimately, green is simply green...it is an interpretation of our brain, a "figment of our imagination"...to say that a star is actually green but it doesn't appear green because our "eyes deceive us" makes absolutely no sense...green is defined by what our eyes and brains interpret to be green -- if it doesn't look green, then it isn't...

Now to green stars...stars are great examples of blackbody radiation -- the radiation they emit is related to their temperature...the higher the temperature, the more radiation you emit...however, you don't just emit more radiation -- you also emit radiation of higher energy (which in turn means shorter wavelength)...it's not a simple matter of "this object is this temperature so it emits this color"...rather, objects emit a spectrum of radiation...

For our star, the peak wavelength does fall in the "green region"...but stars don't emit light of just one wavelength, they emit an entire spectrum of radiation...while our star emits lots of green light, it also emits lots of yellow and red and blue....when you mix all the colors up, your eye sees white, and that is why our sun is classified as a white star...it is not technically green, that is complete BS -- if it was technically green then it would look green because green is defined by our eyes and brain...

The only way a star could be green is if there was a specific element with a specific electron decay that emitted tons of green light...in the "real world" that just doesn't happen, at least not to our knowledge...but since we are talking about a universe with mythical beings and ships that can destroy stars, I won't say it is impossible for a star to be green in the Gal Civ universe...but there better be an explanation for it (such and such the Mithrilar sprinkled pixie dust on it) because it ain't happening naturally...

In any case, our sun is most certainly not green....


on Nov 06, 2013

... Star belly sneetches had Green Stars up thars.....

on Nov 06, 2013

at least not to our knowledge

IMHO, that phrase is the key part of your entire post.

on Nov 06, 2013

With telescopes we are easily able to see an immense number of stars, none of which are green...even if there are green stars, it's apparent that they are so rare, statistically we would never expect to see them in a realistic random map generator that technically could spawn them...

I might as well say unicorns do not exist, at least not to our knowledge...you might actually have better odds finding a unicorn than finding a green star...

You are of course welcome to cling to a fantasy and argue that since we can't prove green stars don't exist anywhere in the universe (since such a claim would be unprovable), we might as well implement them in game...it is a game after all, right?  Anything should be possible, right?  And at that rate, might as well put unicorns in Civilization 6 since, well, it's only to our knowledge that they don't exist...

I could care less whether green stars are in the game or not...it's just a game and quite frankly how they look aesthetically is going to be a bigger factor to me than whether they are realistic...but don't kid yourself with false hope and misinformation -- if there are green stars in GalCiv3, it is because someone at SD decided they look cool, and not because science suggests there might be some...well, real science anyway...


on Nov 06, 2013

Apparently, green stars do not exist;

Now there ya go ..... just shows the new technology bound up in Version III .... the good guys finally dumped that old early 21st Century technology so they could save save The Universe - and people start to get serious nostalgia pangs.

Sheeesh .... some scientists need to get with The Program...... and dump the Retro Look, its so ..... yesterday...

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